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Dire Straits – Thursday of the First Week of Lent
Queen Esther (Edwin Long, 1878)
Wednesday of the First Week of Lent
Readings: Jonah, 3:1-10, Luke, 11:29-32 The Ten Commandments
First Tuesday of Lent: Abstinence
What is the purpose of abstaining from certain pleasures during Lent? Along with prayer and almsgiving, we abstain during Lent
First Monday of Lent
Readings at Mass: Lev 19:1-2, 11-18; Matt 25:31-46 In Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novel Small Gods, the ‘great God Om’ tries to
First Sunday of Lent: Testing or trusting God?
Tonight, at Mass & Vespers in Oxford, the Blackfriars schola will sing 'Ne irascaris, Domine' by Byrd. The motet has
Saturday after Ash Wednesday: Almsgiving
Readings: Isaiah 58:9-14; Psalm 85:1-6; Luke 5:27-32 If I had to bet on what one question most Catholics have been asked
Friday after Ash Wednesday: Comparing
Gospel: Matthew 9:14-15. Today, John’s disciples indulge a brief foray into comparative religion: why aren’t Jesus’s followers observing the same dietary
Thursday after Ash Wednesday: A choice
Readings: Dt 30:15-20, Ps 1, Lk 9:22-25 In today's Gospel Jesus says to us: "If anyone wishes to come after me,
Ash Wednesday
Readings: Joel 2:12-18; Ps 50; 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2; Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 Let your hearts be broken not your garments torn (Joel
Ash Wednesday
Today we begin our preparation to celebrate the passion, death and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus at the Sacred Triduum.
Ash Wednesday
Today, at the Ash Wednesday Mass, a cross will be marked on our foreheads and we will hear the
Ash Wednesday
Readings: Joel 2:12-18; Ps 50; 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2; Matthew 6:1-6,16-18 The threefold asceticism of Lent, which is the threefold asceticism of