Quodlibet 14 – Gender in God talk.


Built on the four pillars of our Dominican life – preaching, prayer, study, and community – Godzdogz offers many resources for exploring the Catholic Faith today. Read more.

I've a heard a friend who did a Theology degree refer, a number of times, to the Holy Spirit as

QuestionIf the saved know that some of their loved ones are damned how is it that they can have perfect

People who know only a few things about the Dominicans are likely to know that the Order places greater importance

I was wondering if you could go over the stages of becoming a Dominican priest - from the clothing onwards.

Our regular readers will know that we sometimes have posts labeled 'quodlibet' The quodlibet, roughly meaning whatever it pleases, was a

Is it true to say that even if a priest knows through confession that he is clearly dealing with a

I attended a social function recently. I noticed that some attendees addressed the Catholic priest as 'Mr'. They

"How, exactly, do we forgive others? We can say the words, but what if we simply cannot? How is forcing

Essentially it is not good to start considering the sacraments in terms of a hierarchical order: each of them has

'Why is religious profession a sacramental and not a Sacrament? Similarly, a priest is eternally a priest

Question:Many people sincerely search for God. The multiplicity of religious beliefs as well as agnosticism and atheism indicate that the

Lent is begining tomorrow. It has always been a special time for those preparing to receive baptism. Br. David Rocks

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