Doctors of the Church: St Athanasius


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By Br Thomas Thérèse Mannion | ‘God became a what we are in order to make us what he is’

I know of few people who have loved Christ so much as to take a blade to their heart and

By Br Andy Opsahl | Given that we here at Blackfriars chose to blog during this academic term on Doctors

By Br Vincent Antony Löning | Ambrose of Milan: what sort of personality hides behind this name? Pastoral bishop, monastic

By Br Albert Robertson | This series begins, in a way, in our own country, for it was St Gregory

Our Christmas break is over now, and so we start a new series for the coming term on the eight

Today marks the solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul. A simple statement would be that St Paul preached to the

Undoubtedly for many of us the thought of martyrdom sends a shiver down our spine. If any of you are

Today’s solemnity might be thought of as the original feminist feast day: for today we celebrate the Solemnity of St

On 17 March, people across the world will discover their long-forgotten Irish ancestry, or blithely ignore their lack of any

It may seem rather odd, the idea of celebrating the feast of someone’s chair. I suppose, in fact, it is

Today the Order of Preachers celebrates the feast of Blessed John of Fiesole, also known as Fra Angelico, a recognised

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