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Biblical Beasts: Unicorn
Today unicorns have a rather effeminate, placid reputation. One can see this in children's story books but also
Biblical Beasts: Snake
When one reads the story of the Fall in the book of Genesis, it is of no surprise that snakes
Biblical Beasts: Raven
The raven has a rather sinister reputation. Throughout history it has been used as a symbol of the macabre. One
Biblical Beasts: Tortoise
Someone commented that Godzdogz is 'scraping the bottom of the barrel' in having a summer series on Biblical Beasts. Well
Biblical Beasts: Pig
Pigs do not appear to have a very high standing in the Bible. They were regarded as unclean. Leviticus
Biblical Beasts: Ostrich
The ostrich is mentioned twice in the bible, once in Lamentations and once in Job. In Lamentations, the Lord complains
Biblical Beasts: Leviathan
The first question I suspect many people will have about a leviathan is, 'What is it?' There is, it must
Biblical Beasts: Kid
There are a surprising number of ways in which kids are used in the Old Testament. You’ve probably all heard
Biblical Beasts: Jackal
For millennia the jackal has played a less than wholesome part in the mythology and literature of the east, near
Biblical Beasts: Insect
Three of the ten plagues of Egypt involved insects, a plague of gnats (Exodus 8:16ff), a plague of flies (Exodus
Biblical Beasts: Horse
In psalm 147:10 there is this striking line: His [The Lord's] delight is not in the strength of the horse, nor