Torch provides a new Catholic homily each week written specially for this web site by Dominican friars, and read by followers worldwide. Read more.
Comfort for All
Fourth Sunday of the Year. Fr Peter Harries shows us that the Beatitudes are good news for more than just funerals. Today's
Silent Schism
Third Sunday of the Year. Fr Thomas Crean calls for an end to a silent division over the Church's teaching. I
Lumen Gentium – The Light of Nations
Second Sunday of the Year. Fr Vivian Boland tells us that in Christ, God's covenant with Israel becomes Good News
Baptised for Mission
Baptism of the Lord. Fr Isidore Clarke recalls that we, like Christ, are baptised into the mission of spreading God's
Guides for Complicated Journeys
Epiphany. Fr Robert Ombres contrasts the simplicity of the angel's message to the shepherds in Luke's Gospel with the complexity
The Power of the Word
Second Sunday of Christmas. Fr Peter Hunter reminds us that the Incarnation is not merely an abstract idea but a concrete
Born of a Woman
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. Fr Richard Ounsworth preaches on the importance of Mary's title 'Mother of God'. The Church
The Family of Tomorrow
Feast of the Holy Family. Fr Anthony Axe preaches on the contrast between the hatred and fear Christ encountered when
As Good as His Word
Fourth Sunday of Advent. Fr John Patrick Kenrick asks us whether we can build a world founded on trust in
Getting to know the Christ
Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday). Fr Benjamin Earl explains how through Christmas we can become friends of God. Jesus tells
Beginning the Pilgrimage of Freedom
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. Fr Richard Conrad shows how the Spirit of freedom from sin that Jesus pours out
The Cataclysmic Coming of Christ
First Sunday of Advent. Fr Fergus Kerr reminds us that we should be shocked and disturbed by the Incarnation of