Torch provides a new Catholic homily each week written specially for this web site by Dominican friars, and read by followers worldwide. Read more.
Fifth Sunday of the Year. Fr Duncan Campbell preaches on leading and being led. Jesus drew the crowds. He was an
The Prayers the Church Stands For
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Fr Euan Marley tells us why the Prayer of Simeon is worth standing
Not accepted in his own country
Fourth Sunday of the Year. Fr John Patrick Kenrick preaches on the response to Jesus' words in the synagogue at Nazareth. Today's readings
Unity, Diversity and God’s Salvation
Third Sunday of the Year. Fr David McLean preaches on unity and difference according to the Christian Gospel. There is a
Becoming Jars of Docility
Second Sunday of the Year. Fr Irenaeus Vincent preaches on the deeper meaning of our Lady's command at Cana in
Divine Sonship and Mission
Baptism of the Lord. Fr Robert Pollock preaches on how this feast leads us from the Christmas season into the
The Sign of the Star
Epiphany. Fr Benjamin Earl preaches on the sign that proclaims Christ to all the nations. Our Christmas Crib is now complete:
Lost to the Temple
Feast of the Holy Family. Fr Colin Carr preaches on the finding of the child Jesus in the temple. "I don't
Silence at Christmas
Christmas. Fr Euan Marley preaches on the Gospel read at Mass during the Day. A friend of mine was abroad for
In the Wombs of the Women
Fourth Sunday of Advent. Fr John Farrell preaches on the visitation of our Blessed Lady to her cousin, Elizabeth. The lectionary readings today
Heralding the Reign of God
Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday). Fr Peter Clarke preaches on our true spiritual preparation for Christmas. I was halfway through preaching
Christians in Exile
Second Sunday of Advent. Fr Anthony Axe preaches on this time of preparation for Christmas. We are exiles, alienated from our