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fr. Colin Carr lives in the Priory of St Michael the Archangel, Cambridge.

The Epiphany. Fr Colin Carr encourages us to see what's in front of us. We don’t always see what’s going on

The Solemnity of the Ascension. Fr Colin Carr ponders the meaning of Christ's heavenly exaltation. One of the features of some

Twenty-third Sunday of the Year. Fr Colin Carr preaches on the vital importance of community. Our society seems to admire the

Second Sunday of the Year. Fr Colin Carr notes that an authentic vision of humanity necessarily involves a sense of

Second Sunday of Easter (Low Sunday). Fr Colin Carr preaches on how Christ touches our lives, dramatically or otherwise. It was

Nineteenth Sunday of the Year. Fr Colin Carr finds in today's readings a key to the relationship between the scriptures

Third Sunday of Advent. Fr Colin Carr suggests that a cheerful attitude is essential in building the Kingdom. Advent is a

Third Sunday of Lent (A)  |  Fr Colin Carr contemplates the drama of the God who thirsts for our faith,

Pentecost Sunday (C)  |  Fr Colin Carr invites us to make room for the God who seeks to make his

Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)  |  Fr Colin Carr urges us to consider the unlikeness of God to

Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (B)  | Fr Colin Carr invites us to meet God, and so to be changed. One

Fifth Sunday of Lent (A)  |  Fr Colin Carr reflects on the resurrection which is made known to mourners. Over the

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