Colin Carr
fr. Colin Carr lives in the Priory of St Michael the Archangel, Cambridge.
Suffering with the Distressed
Tenth Sunday of the Year. fr Colin Carr reflects on the nature of Christian compassion. Elijah befriends a foreign widow in
The Comfort of Religion?
Twenty-First Sunday of the Year. Fr Colin Carr reflects on our tendency to create a comfortable god in place of
Something More Important Than Success
Second Sunday of Advent. Fr Colin Carr explains how in the coming of Jesus Christ we are offered somthing more
To The Ends of the Earth
Third Sunday of the Year. Fr Colin show us how Jesus Christ enables those who are on the margins to
In Charge of His Helplessness
Good Friday. Fr Colin lets us see how Christ's passion is a surrendering to the will of His Father, in
The Sovereign Gift
Eleventh Sunday of the Year. Fr Colin urges us to see the parables of Jesus Christ not as stories requiring
The Doing Word
Fifteenth Sunday of the Year. Fr Colin Carr reminds us that God's word is not an empty noise. We can get
To Live is to Move
Twenty-First Sunday of the Year. Fr Colin Carr tells us that God welcomes the badly brought-up. Why does the Church get
Death and Glory
Twenty-Fifth Sunday of the Year. Fr Colin Carr preaches on the call to radical humility. We think we know what counts
The Great Works of God
Fourth Sunday of Advent. Fr Colin Carr meditates on how God builds himself a house through the graced freedom of
The Circle of Light
Third Sunday of the Year. Fr Colin Carr invites us to join an ever-widening circle in the darkness. The way Matthew
Whose Voice?
Fourth Sunday of the Year. Fr Colin Carr preaches on the bravery of the prophet who listens to God rather