Richard Conrad
fr. Richard Conrad teaches dogmatic and sacramental theology at Blackfriars, Oxford.
Our Journey in Hope
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. fr Richard Conrad helps us to see how Our Holy Mother goes before
What’s Our Place in the Story?
Thirtieth Sunday of the Year. fr Richard Conrad Thirthieth Sunday of the Year. fr Richard Conrad brings out how oddly the
Mercy and Loyalty
Baptism of the Lord. fr Richard brings out the full significance of St Mark's account of the the Baptism of
Sermon for the Funeral of Fr Bede Bailey OP
Sermon for the Funeral of Fr Bede Bailey OP, 19th August 2014 by Fr Richard Conrad OPReadings: Isaiah 25:6-9 and John
One God, Three Persons
Trinity Sunday. Fr Richard Conrad reflects on the relationships within the One God. A text precious to the Jews, “Hear, O
The Spirit Enlarges Our Hearts
Seventeenth Sunday of the Year. Fr Richard Conrad reflects upon how our lives are transformed and perfected through Jesus Christ. Occasionally,
Putting Food on the Table
Twenty-Fifth Sunday of the Year. Fr Richard Conrad draws out the social and economic implications of the parable of the
An Explosive Development
Thirty-Second Sunday of the Year. Fr Richard Conrad explores how God's people came to understand the fullness of our future
Sure and Certain Hope
Second Sunday of Advent. Fr Richard Conrad preaches on St Paul's hope and love for his fellow Christians. 'I am sure
Christ Our Light
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Fr Richard Conrad shows how the Saviour, coming into the world, burns like
Quodlibet 13 – Salvation and Hell
QuestionIf the saved know that some of their loved ones are damned how is it that they can have perfect
The Promise of Eternal Friendship
Good Friday. Fr Richard Conrad meditates on the many models scripture gives us for understanding Christ's death. Jesus's death has saved