Richard Conrad
fr. Richard Conrad teaches dogmatic and sacramental theology at Blackfriars, Oxford.
Living Water
Third Sunday of Lent. Fr Isidore Clarke preaches on the encounter between Christ and the Samaritan woman. Being a typical Englishman
It’s Only Natural
Easter Sunday. Fr Richard Conrad explains why our lives are like upside-down icebergs. The Gospels are reticent about the Resurrection. Having
Crazy Sparrows
Eleventh Sunday of the Year. Fr Richard Conrad gives us reason to laugh at ourselves - and at Jesus. Sometimes we
Channels of Divine Love
Pentecost Sunday. Fr Richard Conrad preaches on Pentecost as the completion of the work of Christ and a new beginning. Today's
Beginning the Pilgrimage of Freedom
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. Fr Richard Conrad shows how the Spirit of freedom from sin that Jesus pours out
Hail, Cross!
Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. The Prior of Holy Cross, Leicester, preaches on its patronal feast. Today we
Where do you abide?
Second Sunday of the Year. Fr Richard Conrad preaches on Jesus' first meeting with some of his disciples. Today we read
Feast of God’s Friendship
The Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi). Fr Richard Conrad preaches on how divine friendship is extended to us
Why did Jesus have to go away?
The Ascension of the Lord. Fr Richard Conrad addresses three questions we might ask about the mystery of the Ascension. In