Richard Ounsworth
fr Richard Joseph Ounsworth is Prior and Parish Priest at Holy Cross Priory, Leicester, teaches scripture for Blackfriars, Oxford, and is the Editor of Torch.
How to Annoy Teachers
Thirty-Third Sunday of the Year. Fr Richard Ounsworth preaches on the parable of the talents. Like many priests, I am asked
A New Beginning
Baptism of the Lord. Fr Richard Ounsworth explores the relationship between Christ's identity and his mission. Today's feast marks both an
Free Slaves of God
Twenty-Fifth Sunday of the Year. Fr Richard Ounsworth insists that God and Mammon are not the leaders of two opposing
More Than Loud Hosannas
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord. Fr Richard Ounsworth invites us to join Christ on his journey outside
Hard Sayings
Twenty-First Sunday of the Year. Fr Richard Joseph Ounsworth preaches on our reaction to Christ's sermon on the Bread of
He Is Not There
Easter Sunday. Fr Richard Ounsworth preaches on Mary Magdalene's love of Christ. Why did Mary Magdalene visit the tomb of Christ?
We Beheld His Glory
Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday). Fr Richard Ounsworth preaches on the difference between fame and glory. One of the most
Quodlibet 14 – Gender in God talk.
I've a heard a friend who did a Theology degree refer, a number of times, to the Holy Spirit as
We are the Future
Solemnity of Ss Peter and Paul. Fr Richard Ounsworth preaches on the identity and mission of the Church. It must have
Veiling and Unveiling
Fifth Sunday of Lent. Fr Richard Ounsworth explores the ironies of today's liturgy. There are two strange ironies in today's liturgy.
A Thankless Task
Nineteenth Sunday of the Year. Fr Richard Ounsworth calls for mercy towards a group of people who do not often
He Has Visited His People and Loved Them
Tenth Sunday of the Year. Fr Richard Ounsworth preaches on the raising of a widow's son. Usually on Sundays the Church