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fr Richard Joseph Ounsworth is Prior and Parish Priest at Holy Cross Priory, Leicester, teaches scripture for Blackfriars, Oxford, and is the Editor of Torch.

Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday). Fr Richard Ounsworth calls for an authentic Christian joyfulness. Pregnancy is always an anxious time.

Solemnity of St Joseph. Fr Richard Joseph Ounsworth preaches on the faith of Saint Joseph. The first line of the Gospel

Nineteenth Sunday of the Year. Fr Richard Joseph Ounsworth preaches on St Peter's faith in Christ. There are very few passages

Sixteenth Sunday of the Year. Fr Richard Ounsworth warns against the wrong sort of response to discovering weeds growing among

First Sunday of Lent. Fr Richard Ounsworth explains why Lent is truly a 'joyful season'. The first Preface for Masses of

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. Fr Richard Ounsworth preaches on the importance of Mary's title 'Mother of God'. The Church

Good Friday. Fr Richard Ounsworth preaches on a world divided into two by the sufferings of Christ.  One can hardly ignore

Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica. Fr Richard Joseph Ounsworth preaches on the anniversary of the dedication of

Trinity Sunday. Fr Richard Ounsworth preaches on a mystery at the heart of our faith. It may be true that the

Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday). Fr Richard Ounsworth asks how we can be successors to John the Baptist and

Epiphany. Fr Richard Ounsworth preaches on the manifestation of Jesus Christ to human wisdom in the persons of the magi. No

Seventeenth Sunday of the Year. Fr Richard Ounsworth preaches on petitionary prayer and the Christian mystery. Petitionary prayer - asking God

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