Spiritual Resources for Times of Isolation
A time of uncertainty requires prayer. Here you can find a list of spiritual resources that may be of use. “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Thess 5:16-17).
These are uncertain times and the coming months, particularly for younger generations, are likely to look very different to any we have experienced. Uncertainty probably characterises this time best: unknowns about the virus, its potency, and its reach; unknowns about what the future looks like, for ourselves and for our loved ones. But most fundamentally, there is an uncertainty that always lurks as constant for people of faith: why? Why, in God’s providence, has this virus come now?
Answers are never immediate, but when life appears to have been put on pause, our response must be to embrace the uncertainty and pray. In St Paul’s words: “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Thess 5:16-17).
Here are some resources you may find helpful. Lent is a particularly appropriate season for the start of this journey, accompanying the people of Israel in their wanderings through the wilderness.
Holy Mass
The latest updates from the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales can be found here.
Following the suspension of public services, the English Dominicans have begun live streaming Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours. Details for Blackfriars, Oxford can be found here.
Spiritual Communion
Act of Spiritual Communion (St Alphonsus Liguori)
Spiritual Communion with the Saints
Daily Mass Readings
Liturgy of the Hours
Live Streams to follow Church liturgies at home
Priories around the Province of the English Dominicans
Mass with Pope Francis at Santa Marta
Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham
Strong in the Face of Tribulation: the Holy See has made available this compilation of prayers and reflections by Pope Francis to address the covid-19 crisis. (link no longer available)
Stations of the Cross (Bishop Barron)
Hallow App: a Catholic meditation app to help you find peace and grow in your spiritual journey.
Pray as you go: daily Ignatian meditations on the readings from Mass
Virtual retreats and novenas
Lent in Isolation is a new project where short daily videos will be released with the readings for Mass accompanied by a homily from a different priest each day.
CV Connect is a series of weekly live webinars developed by Catholic Voices to assist those that might feel lonely during isolation. Several speakers will share inspiring spiritual and practical wisdom, stories to lift the soul and answer the burning questions on people’s hearts and minds.
Hozana is an online community of prayer with abundant resources to pray with this Lent and stay connected with other Catholics around the world.
Behold2020 is an initiative that brings people together in prayer and in preparation for the rededication of England to Mary on 29th March 2020
A Prayer for Time of Sickness (from the Roman Missal):
O God, who willed that our infirmities be borne by your Only Begotten Son to show the value of human suffering, listen in kindness to our prayers for our brothers and sisters who are sick; grant that all who are oppressed by pain, distress or other afflictions may know that they are chosen among those proclaimed blessed and are united to Christ in his suffering for the salvation of the world. Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.
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A Website Visitor
Thank you, Brothers all for this light in the current darkness. Praying that you all keep safe and well in this time of pestilence.
A Website Visitor
Thank You! for preparing this list of resources. I wish we Catholics could have these in every single parish, somewhere- in their bulletins, online, etc. This would show everyone that there ARE resources to help, one has to look for them and use them. I will use these in a new “New Beginnings, St.Hilary’s healing retreat for divorced Catholics that I am volunteering my help with. I keep your order and priests in my prayers.